Pride at Blue School students’ exam results

WELLS Blue School has said that it is very proud of its students for the “wonderful results” that they have received in their A-levels and BTECs.

Despite the unique and challenging circumstances that they have faced in the last few years, this cohort of students have seen a true reward for the effort, application and tenacity that they have shown, said the school. 

Almost half of more than 350 entries were awarded one of the highest grades. Given that this group of students were unable to take their GCSEs two years ago, these grades represent a marvellous set of outcomes for their first externally-assessed exams, the school said.

The majority of the students have been offered their first-choice university place or are able to embark upon their chosen career path. These include a number of places at the most competitive universities and courses across the country and a wide range of careers, from medicine to engineering, archaeology to musical theatre, aeronautics to oceanography.

Headteacher, Mark Woodlock, said: “I am immensely proud of the achievements of all of our students this year. That is true for both the individuals themselves and for the teachers and school staff that have supported them to get to this point. We hope that these results will give them the best platform for the next steps in their education and careers. Equally, as a group of positive role models, we are delighted with the example that they will continue to set.

“These results are the product of the close partnership between ourselves and the local community. We thank all of those who have supported these students during their time at school, particularly in the last few years. We believe that our community should be justifiably proud of its students and of the school that serves Wells and the surrounding area.”