THE Community Day in Wells Cathedral on January 20 attracted thousands of people keen to see what Wells has to offer and to watch the live performances throughout the day.
More than 70 organisations had a stall at the event to promote their activities and recruit new members.
Emma Lefevre of Wells Community Network and Project Factory, organisers of the Community Day and the Lantern Parade the same evening, said: “It was an amazing day, I think it was really successful and very well attended
“Community Day is a terrific opportunity for such a range of organisations and groups to showcase and share what they do. I love to hear all the comments of surprise and appreciation about just how much goes on. Quite apart from raising awareness of many of the things that happen in Wells, it is a real opportunity for community groups to network and discuss collaborations.”
Emma Wheat from the PRP Community Choir, which had a stall and performed at the event, said: “There was such vibrancy and energy to the day and the time just whizzed. It was so lovely to engage with people face to face.”
In the evening, the fourth Lantern Parade organised by Project Factory lit up Wells in a cavalcade of colour – led by the Bristol Ambling Band – that made its way from the Cathedral to The Bishop’s Palace, and ended in the Market Place.

The Lantern Parade finished in the Market Place
Emma said: “The Lantern Parade was a lot of fun too and really beautiful. We are very grateful to the Dean and Chapter for allowing us to start the parade in the Cathedral, and for the support of Bishop Michael and his family, there can’t be many more beautiful places in the world for an event like this.
“We ran two weekends of workshops that Helene Buttifant tutored and she led the parade with an absolutely terrific dragon.
“I love this event because it so great to see the incredible creativity that’s possible from a bit of willow and tissue paper, and a diverse community coming together, at least five Ukrainian families took part, and families who are new to Wells, grandparents, parents, U3A. “I’m looking forward to next year already… and we were so lucky with the weather.”