YEAR 11 students at The Blue School have produced an excellent set of GCSE results this week, providing a justifiable reward for their application and determination.
These students have had a very disrupted secondary education, facing challenges that went well beyond the traditional academic tests, but have faced these difficulties with a positive approach and have found themselves rewarded with some very strong grades.
Whilst grades across the country are likely to fluctuate this year, at The Blue School around a quarter of all grades were at 7+ (equivalent to A/A*) and the early indications are that the progress students have made is well above national benchmarks.
Headteacher, Mark Woodlock, said: “As a school, we are immensely proud of this cohort of young people and the way in which they have approached this key point in their education. Their maturity and dedication is reflected in this highly positive set of GCSE grades and that should give them a great sense of achievement. Gaining these grades provides them with a passport to fully access the next steps in their education and careers.
“As occurs every year, overall headlines hide the many individual stories that exist for students in all subjects. It is our privilege as a staff to work with these students to help them overcome the hurdles that have been placed in their way and set themselves up for the next phase in their lives. We congratulate them all on reaching this point with such grace and determination.
“We thank all of those, inside and outside school, who have supported these students during the last few years and who have helped them to fulfil their potential.”