Event drives home road safety message

A GATHERING of horses, riders, ponies and carriages attracted great interest when they met up in Wells Market Place on Sunday, September 15, before taking to the roads for a circuit of the city.

They were there for an event organised by Lady Sharon Carter in support of the nationwide Pass Wide and Slow campaign.

The underlying message of the campaign is that to safely pass a horse and rider, vehicles should be driven at no more than 10mph, with a two-metre distance where possible.

Before the riders headed off down High Street, having being set on their way by Deputy Mayor of Wells Louis Agabani, Lady Sharon asked for a minute’s silence in memory of riders and horses that had lost their lives on the roads.

She said after the event that it had been an amazing day, thanking everyone involved – and said it will be back even bigger next year.

She said: “I cannot express the gratitude I have for everyone who turned out for the Pass Wide and Slow event. From our super riders, drivers, walkers, marshals and of course the spectators. A huge thank you to our Deputy Mayor, the Conservative Club, Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and Wells as a community.

“I hope that we politely expressed our wishes for safer roads for everyone, road use is so important as we have very few bridleways now. We can all use the roads safely, as we proved on the day, and if this saves lives and educates others, then it has made the right impact.

“We will be holding the same event next year and would like to invite cyclists and motorcyclists to join us so that we can help others to use the roads correctly, safely and we can all get home safe.”