Walk raises more than £17k for mental health charity

A WALK to raise funds for the Heads Up mental health charity has made more than £17,000.

Chris Young, owner of Wolf Barbers in Broad Street, Wells, and Neil Winterson, one of Chris’ clients, organised the 30-mile trek on the West Mendip Way from Uphill to Wells which took place on August 25. The pair are strong supporters of Heads Up and the work that the South Horrington-based charity carries out in the local community.

About 50 people joined the walk at different stages and covered various distances, from five miles to the full 30, which about 15 completed.

“The day started off with really bad weather but by the time we set off the sun was coming out and when we started to climb up the first hill, Bleadon Hill, it was beautiful blue skies,” Chris said.

At the top of Crook Peak, about eight miles in, he said that there were stunning views across the whole of Somerset, and the group that he was walking with finally reached their destination of Wells Cathedral about 12-and-a-half hours after setting off.

“The support crew was incredible in keeping everyone fed, hydrated, and motivated throughout the day,” Chris said.

“The backing we received from local businesses was invaluable. Daniels & Co provided a delicious lunch buffet, while Tesco Wells contributed additional supplies, and the fantastic team at Cheddar Natural Spring Water generously donated all the water.

“The support from businesses for our raffle and auction at the after-party, hosted by The Wookey Hole Inn, was equally sensational. The raffle raised £850, and the auction brought in over £1,000.”

The grand total after all the money was added up came to £17,408.

Chris said that the day far exceeded any expectations he had when he first decided to organise the fundraising event. “I am truly overwhelmed with gratitude for everyone who participated, donated, and helped make this event possible. Thank you all for your incredible support and generosity.”