THERE will be an opportunity in April for residents to learn more about the community project to buy and reopen The Britannia Inn, including details of the share offer.
More information will be provided at a drop-in session being held in St Thomas’ Church Hall on the afternoon of Saturday, April 5. Members of the East Wells Community Benefit Society (CBS) steering group will be on hand to talk about the campaign to buy the pub and how people can do their bit for The Brit by become community shareholders.
The Chair of the steering group, Councillor Theo Butt Philip, said: “Over the last few years, many people have asked me about The Brit and told me how keen they are to see our pub reopened.
“After months of hard work by a dedicated group of volunteers, everyone in Wells will now have an opportunity to play their part in saving this vital community facility. I know the strength of this community, I am optimistic about the reaction.”
The Britannia Inn on Bath Road, Wells, has been empty for nearly four years, but community campaigners have been determined to ‘Save the Brit’ and re-establish its place as an important focal point for local people.
The pub is for sale with Caldecotte Group, which was asking £350,000 for it but has recently lowered the asking price to £300,000. East Wells CBS has been set up to lead efforts to buy the pub for the community and repair and refurbish the building.
A bid had been prepared to submit to the Government’s Community Ownership Fund, which could have provided half the required funding, but that scheme was put on hold when the General Election was called and has not reopened.
The meeting on April 5 will allow residents to look at the East Wells CBS Business Plan and Share Prospectus – which will also be published online – and ask questions of members of the steering group. Refreshments will be available including a licensed bar.
Last year, The Britannia Inn was registered as an Asset of Community Value by Somerset Council, following an application by Wells City Council.
In a consultation conducted in 2024 through Wells Voice and online, 90 per cent of respondents said that it is important or very important to have a local pub in East Wells.
The Save the Brit campaign has the backing of local MP Tessa Munt and the Bishop of Bath & Wells, the Rt Rev Michael Beasley.