St Andrews Ward relocated to Yeovil site

THE St Andrews Ward in Wells has been relocated to the new mental health in-patient ward in Yeovil.

The move comes four years after the decision to relocate the ward was agreed by the Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body.

Campaigners who fought a battle to keep the ward in Wells, including collecting more than 4,400 signatures in a protest petition, finally admitted defeat towards the end of last year.

Emma King from the campaign group said at the time: “After a meeting organised with the Integrated Care Board on October 19, 2023, it became blindingly apparent that our campaign had failed to have the desired impact.

“We remain concerned that the needs of the residents of the Mendip area are still not being properly addressed and that the removal of this ward will lead to vulnerable, confused people being further distressed, thereby prolonging their mental health crisis.”

The new Rowan Ward 2 in Yeovil will provide 15 in-patient beds, supported by an experienced mental health team that will provide care for people with acute mental health needs. It is located next to the existing Rowan Ward 1, that has also been extensively refurbished.

Hazel Armstrong, clinical services manager for both Rowan wards, said: “We’re so pleased to be able to welcome our patients from St Andrews. A lot of thought and hard work has gone in to the build and refurbishment of both of our wards. We’re looking forward to working closely with our teams, to provide the best standard of care.

“We know that it isn’t an easy move for some of our patients and their loved ones, and our teams will be on hand to welcome and support our patients in their transition on to the new ward. We are very mindful about the potential impact of this move, and we will continue to work alongside people that matter for our patients, and maintain the close links that we have with local mental health services in Mendip.”

Patients on both Rowan wards are now able to access a range of facilities including their own en-suite bedroom, an activity room, a communal lounge, a separate female lounge, dining room, outdoor space, private quiet spaces, a family room, a gym, and a kitchen.

Multi-disciplinary teams are located on-site to cover both wards and provide 24-hour care, seven days a week.

Ward manager, Claire Cook, said: “We know that every patient’s needs are different. We work with patients and the people who matter to them the most, alongside our multi-disciplinary teams to provide individualised care to support patients in their recovery.

“The relocation to Yeovil enables us to provide safer care for our patients, with additional access to 24-hour medical cover, seven days a week, as well as being a lot closer to Yeovil District Hospital.”

Bernie Marden, Chief Medical Officer, NHS Somerset, said: “After years of careful planning and hard work, it is really positive to see the opening of the specially designed ward in Yeovil. The relocation has always been about ensuring we are able to provide safer, better-quality care to those most in need, as well as being able to provide greater resilience and ensuring that patients receive the best care possible.

“In Somerset our focus is on proactively supporting individuals’ mental health needs at a local, community level. Providing more support for people in their own homes or community settings. We believe that this is an important part of the recovery process. Our Community Mental Health teams and Open Mental Health helps to support people earlier on, reducing the need for further intervention.”

Planning work is underway to consolidate services at the Priory Health Park in Wells into the vacated Phoenix Ward and St Andrews Ward between 2026 to 2027.

Picture: Inside the new Rowan Ward 2