Fund helping with energy efficiency

CARPETS, curtains and air dryers are a few of the items that Avalon Community Energy has funded for local residents in rented property through 2022.

Its unique Community Benefit Fund supports low-income households in rented property through direct referrals for items that can help improve home energy efficiency.

Its latest report reveals that 15 households were assisted through 2022 from a pot of £3,000 sourced from member donations and surplus profits from ACE’s community solar installations.

The community energy co-operative is urging more local people to become members to assist the fund and be involved in community energy projects. 

Madeline Milnes runs the Community Benefit Fund with a group of volunteer committee members. She said: “The Community Benefit Fund has only just started to meet a vast need in Mendip, which cannot easily be addressed by other means. Since launching two years ago it proved that it can make a significant difference and we’d love to be able to do much more for people who are on low incomes, in rented accommodation and are concerned and fearful about rising energy costs.”

Iona, Mendip Citizens Advice supervisor, makes referrals to the scheme and added: “Especially important is the provision of carpets, rugs and curtains which our clients in poverty cannot begin to think about affording. It is shockingly common that our clients are living with concrete floors and I think as winter goes on, your fund will prove to be even more vital.”