Young people to be focus of 650th Mayor

COUNCILLOR Jasmine Browne was installed as the 650th Mayor of Wells at the Mayor Making ceremony in Wells Town Hall on May 18.

In her speech of acceptance, she said that she came to Wells to visit her parents, “and basically never left”.

“It’s my turn to give something back to this city,” she said, telling the assembled guests – who included the High Sheriff of Somerset, the Bishop of Bath & Wells, the Acting Dean of Wells Cathedral, and fellow Mayors – that her focus in her year of office is going to be on the young people of Wells.

There was music during the event from a band formed by three Blue School students, and pupils from Chewton Mendip Primary School sang a song.

“To serve this city as its first citizen is the greatest honour I could ever imagine,” said Cllr Browne.

She appointed Bill Nuttall as her Consort. Councillor Louis Agabani was elected as Deputy Mayor.

Cllr Browne trained as a teacher and has worked in education for 25 years. Her chosen charity for her year in office is the 5th/7th Wells Scouts. A former volunteer at the Scouts herself, she wants to raise funds towards the refurbishment of the Scout Hut in Kennion Road which is in need of updating.

She appointed two Cadets from the 1955 ATC City of Wells Squadron; Cadet Sergeant Marshall-Smith and Cadet Corporal Colwill will accompany her to official engagements throughout her year.